"High Twelve is an organization of Master Masons who support Masonic causes with special emphasis on youth support and patriotic events. There are over 3,000 members in over 130 clubs nationwide and in foreign countries. High Twelve is an association dedicated to the unification of Master Masons, independent of the formal ritual of Lodge, but dedicated to service to the fraternity. Just a few or our accomplishments have been to develop long lasting friendships, encourage and support our public school systems and participate in constructive community activities and to preserve the principles of good government based on the rights of the individual. High Twelve, which is a social extension of the Masonic experience, is so named because long ago, noon was known as “high twelve” and the time to call off from labor for refreshment. Accordingly, many High Twelve clubs – but not all – meet at noon. There is no ritual; but it strongly encourages its members to be active in their lodges and their communities. High Twelve International affords valuable assistance to the Blue Lodges in whatever manner it is most needed. High Twelve International is Masonry in Action in the community where each Club holds its meetings and in the State where the several clubs are banded together in common purpose. High Twelvians adhere strictly to Masonic Law of that jurisdiction. High Twelve International’s clubs combine fellowship with helping others in their quality of life pursuits, particularly young adults and youth. The club’s two philanthropic objectives are youth and education, strongly supporting the Order of DeMolay, Rainbow Girls, Job’s Daughters and the Wolcott Foundation that was established to provide scholarships for students at George Washington University who seek public service careers in government." An open invitation is extended to all Master Masons and their Ladies to visit a club in their area. International President's Club #1002 The International President's Club was formed for those Master Masons who would like to be a member but live in state where there are no clubs. The hope is this could spark some interest and hopefully charter a club. Additionally there have been some club closures where a few of the members still want to be a member. Any member of a closed club can transfer their membership at no cost. Members of this club will receive a membership certificate and dues card. They will also receive all electronic and USPS mailings. The dues for this club are $20.00 per year payable on June 1st of each year to remain in good standing (there is no pro-ration of this fee). Listen To Our Recent Interview By The Brothers Of "At Refreshment" That Was Recorded At Our Recent Mid-Year.
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