The F-200a report is for only reporting membership related information and needs to be filed MONTHLY
The F-200b report is only filed when there is a change in club/association meeting or officer information
Your association secretary will automatically be informed of your submission
For Independent Clubs use as the association secretary email
Email addresses should be treated like mailing addresses - report new ones and updates!
You WILL receive an email notification with the complete detail of your submission automatically
You can send up to 3 'copies' of your submission(s) whomever you wish
Monthly Membership ONLINE Reporting Form
F-200a Monthly Membership Report
F-200b Club Information Update Report
NEW!!! New & Reinstated Member Fees can now be paid through:
You do not have to create a PayPal or AffiniPay Account!

Clubs are expected to complete a Monthly Report form F-200a on a regular basis and F-220b Club Information Update when needed. These forms provide the State Association and the International Office the information needed about where and when a club meets, changes in the 4 principal officers and their contact information, membership numbers, and the specifics about changes in the individual member data. Like so many things doing this task monthly after your last meeting needs to be made a habit and once it is a habit you won't forget to do it.
Special note for Independent Clubs: Forms F-200a & F-200b, in the 2nd line - State Secretary email please use: - the email address to use is shown on the form, this is a required field and must have a valid email entered to be able to submit the form.
Information from this form is used to:
- Update this website
- Keep individual membership records current
Insures accurate mailing information for:
- The High Twelvian
- Fundraiser(s)
- Monthly Update Newsletter
- Allows the International Office to provide Associations and Clubs accurate rosters or mailing lists/files on request
- Is the basis for the annual per-capita billing
A few key pointers about using the form:
After the last meeting of the month:
Open the report
- Tab through the form providing the needed information
- If there were no changes for the month, check the box and submit - otherwise continue on
Enter the beginning number members
When there are new or reinstated members mail a check ($3.00 per member) made out to High Twelve International and send to Association Secretary or the Intentional Office.
- This information is not stored for use by you next month
Do you need help keeping track of your membership changes month to month for the April to March time period for per-capita tracking and to assist in the entry of the correct numbers on the F-200a Online Monthly Report form? Click HERE to download an Excel spreadsheet to assist you. This is a "protected" spreadsheet so you and can only enter the Date, beginning Regular & Masonic Home membership numbers (this would be the March Monthly Report ending numbers), and the number of adds or drops for the month). The spreadsheet self calculates to update when information is entered. The FIRST time you use the spreadsheet you will need to save it to your computer (file save as) and reopen the saved spread sheet next time. Each subsequent use of the spreadsheet just click on Save to retain your changes. If you don't save the file as described you WILL loose your information. New 3/20/23 The State Association Secretaries will receive a copy of your submission automatically based on the email entered (yes, it is a required field!) and in the case of Independent Clubs the International President will receive a copy.