Nominations High Twelve International Officers are now being accepted for:
International President
International 1st Vice President
International 2nd Vice President
International 3rd Vice President
International Secretary
International Treasurer
3 Year Endowment Fund Trustee
All Offices are available for a Member to be Nominated for. Anyone Seeking to progress in the International Line or seek reelection must also submit the below documents no later the 11:59pm EST on April 1st, 2025 to the International Secretary.
1) A letter of Support from your Primary Club Nominating you for a specific office with the Signature of the Club President and Secretary.
2) A letter of Support from your State Association (If applicable) with the signature of the Association President and Secretary.
3) A letter from the person being nominated stating that if nominated they will accept and if elected will serve.
4) (For First time being elected) A Resume showing qualifications for the Office being nominated.
All may be emailed to with the subject -Nomination
Or mailed to the International Office (Must be Post Marked no later than 4/1/25) to the Following Address:
High Twelve International
Attn: Nominations Committee
1308 Brownsville Rd.
Trevose, PA. 19053-4609